Economics - Periods 2, 6, 7
In Economics class this winter/spring semester we will be looking at how the economy works. We will do plenty of book work, but mix in a number of projects and address current events issues dealing with the economy, such as the Sequester and possible increase of the minimum wage.
Each student has a textbook, but if they leave it at school they can simple Google "iText Economics" and easily find an online version of the Prentice Hall Principles in Economics textbook.
Many students have great success in Econ without it, but I provide numerous extra credit opportunities. Students can check this page or approach me for extra credit opportunities.Earning credit in Economics class is a graduation requirement at East Jackson High School. Any student who wants to be successful in this class typically does very well. I am eager to do all I can to help students find success in my classes, but ultimately it is up to the student to complete the requirements.
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about Economics class.
- Ray Hill
[email protected]
Week of 5/20/13
- With partner, answer questions from notes
- Discuss as class
- Address objectives in written form
- Address objectives in written form
Each student has a textbook, but if they leave it at school they can simple Google "iText Economics" and easily find an online version of the Prentice Hall Principles in Economics textbook.
Many students have great success in Econ without it, but I provide numerous extra credit opportunities. Students can check this page or approach me for extra credit opportunities.Earning credit in Economics class is a graduation requirement at East Jackson High School. Any student who wants to be successful in this class typically does very well. I am eager to do all I can to help students find success in my classes, but ultimately it is up to the student to complete the requirements.
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about Economics class.
- Ray Hill
[email protected]
Week of 5/20/13
- Terms for Week
Perfect competition, commodity, monopoly, natural monopoly, government monopoly - Chapter 7, Section 1
- With partner, answer questions from notes
- Discuss as class
- Chapter 7, Section 2
- Address objectives in written form
- Chapter 7, Section 3
- Address objectives in written form
- PowerPoint review of Ch. 7 – 1,2,3
- Documentary: “The High Cost of Low Prices.”
- Terms Quiz
- Finish documentary
- Stock Market Game - We will soon be participating in The Stock Market Game, an online game used by hundreds of schools nationwide.
- ABSENCES: If a student is absent, it is automatically marked as Unexcused unless a parent sends in a doctor's note or calls the office. Per school policy, students are not allowed to receive credit for work missed if the absence is Unexcused. For more information, see the student handbook or contact a school administrator.