Government Class - Periods 2, 5, 7

It's a great time to take Government Class! There's so much going on with an upcoming election. In addition to preparing kids for the social science portion of the Michigan Merit Exam in spring, we are delving into current events, and how they impact national and local politics. We are looking at the national, and statewide candidates for public office and their goals. I hope by touching on some these issues students are inspired to do their own research and develop opinions based on facts, rather than the misleading advertisements and propaganda floating around social media, television and radio.
Government students are required to complete EITHER one of two major projects this semester: 1) The Citizen Movement Project. Students will produce a PowerPoint presentation describing how one person has made a difference in society by forcing our government to take action. Students may profile someone who has been instrumental in helping ensure Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Labor Rights, Religious Rights, Student Rights, Voting Rights, or any other type of basic civil liberties. See me for more information or additional ideas.2) Complete 20 Hours of Community Service and Write a 1-2 Page Response Paper. Government cannot do everything for everyone in society, so we need an active citizenry to fill in the gaps. Students choosing this option must complete their community service outside the East Jackson school community, and must work with non-profit groups (however, I have allowed students to work in childcare, nursing homes, and hospitals). Receiving payment, or working in a for-profit business is typically not permitted. Many students earn community service at local animal shelters, working with service groups, and even playing cards or doing manicures at senior centers. Students must get prior approval before beginning their community service projects.
Students were given detailed descriptions of these aforementioned projects within the first two weeks of school.
Extra credit opportunities are widely available throughout the semester. The biggest, and most-used, extra credit opportunity requires students attend meetings of local, publicly-elected government boards. Students may attend one board meeting each marking period, but only one East Jackson Community Schools Board of Education meeting per semester. They may attend meetings of the Jackson City Council, Jackson County Commissioners, any township board, or any other area school board. Non-profit agency boards do NOT qualify as publicly-elected board meetings. Students should consult me before attending a meeting other than ones listed herein. Students wishing to earn extra credit in this manner are required to complete a form, and return it to class. Students were provided this form within the first week of school.
Earning credit in Government class is a graduation requirement at East Jackson High School. Any student who wants to be successful in this class typically does very well. I am eager to do all I can to help students find success in my classes, but ultimately it is up to the student to complete the requirements.
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about Government class.
- Ray Hill
[email protected]
Important Links
@mrhillejhs on Twitter
Online Textbook -
Upcoming Events
ABSENCES: If a student is absent, it is automatically marked as Unexcused unless a parent sends in a doctor's note or calls the office. Per school policy, students are not allowed to receive credit for work missed if the absence is Unexcused. For more information, see the student handbook or contact a school administrator.
Government students are required to complete EITHER one of two major projects this semester: 1) The Citizen Movement Project. Students will produce a PowerPoint presentation describing how one person has made a difference in society by forcing our government to take action. Students may profile someone who has been instrumental in helping ensure Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Labor Rights, Religious Rights, Student Rights, Voting Rights, or any other type of basic civil liberties. See me for more information or additional ideas.2) Complete 20 Hours of Community Service and Write a 1-2 Page Response Paper. Government cannot do everything for everyone in society, so we need an active citizenry to fill in the gaps. Students choosing this option must complete their community service outside the East Jackson school community, and must work with non-profit groups (however, I have allowed students to work in childcare, nursing homes, and hospitals). Receiving payment, or working in a for-profit business is typically not permitted. Many students earn community service at local animal shelters, working with service groups, and even playing cards or doing manicures at senior centers. Students must get prior approval before beginning their community service projects.
Students were given detailed descriptions of these aforementioned projects within the first two weeks of school.
Extra credit opportunities are widely available throughout the semester. The biggest, and most-used, extra credit opportunity requires students attend meetings of local, publicly-elected government boards. Students may attend one board meeting each marking period, but only one East Jackson Community Schools Board of Education meeting per semester. They may attend meetings of the Jackson City Council, Jackson County Commissioners, any township board, or any other area school board. Non-profit agency boards do NOT qualify as publicly-elected board meetings. Students should consult me before attending a meeting other than ones listed herein. Students wishing to earn extra credit in this manner are required to complete a form, and return it to class. Students were provided this form within the first week of school.
Earning credit in Government class is a graduation requirement at East Jackson High School. Any student who wants to be successful in this class typically does very well. I am eager to do all I can to help students find success in my classes, but ultimately it is up to the student to complete the requirements.
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about Government class.
- Ray Hill
[email protected]
Important Links
@mrhillejhs on Twitter
Online Textbook -
Upcoming Events
- Dec. 9, 2013 - East Jackson Board of Education meeting, 6 p.m. EJHS Library; students who have not already attended an EJ board meeting may do so and receive extra credit. They must complete form found below on this page.
- Jan. 15, 2014 - Community Service Essay or PowerPoint Research Project due. MAJOR PROJECT - It will be very difficult to pass the marking period without having completed one of these two projects first assigned in September.
ABSENCES: If a student is absent, it is automatically marked as Unexcused unless a parent sends in a doctor's note or calls the office. Per school policy, students are not allowed to receive credit for work missed if the absence is Unexcused. For more information, see the student handbook or contact a school administrator.